Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Happy Husband

Jakub spent the weekend steelheading on the Trinity with Mitch and Bruce. Here are a few shots of the happy men and their fish.

It seems it was a very successful trip, which catches averaging 2 fish a day per man. Jakub came home gleeful and intent on making fishing trips a once a month deal.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The day in brief...

I have been promising my mom that I will blog (is that a verb now?) more regularly. Most weeks this promise stays in the realm of intention while laundry, ironing, washing dishes (running, surfing and date night) make it to the realm of reality. I imagine if writing still came easily, as I deludingly believe it did in university, I would be more apt to scribble down a few lines. As it is, each line is a difficult, drawn out process, filled with many interruptions. That said, it is for my mom, who fortunately still appreciates my writing, so, despite the new year being well underway, I’ve decided to move blogging to the top of my resolution queue. Let’s see how long it lasts!

In brief….Sasha and Jonas ran their second career TCRS today. The race, which starts at the Tennessee Valley parking lot, is a hilly 3.78 miles and with a headwind it can be brutal. Fortunately, we had good weather and Sasha completed the race unassisted, while Jonas only took a few stroller breaks. Their fine performance prompted me to make a pancake breakfast (Buckwheat with blueberry-maple syrup and a ton of fresh berries) to which they were allowed to invite “friends”. They searched for “Ken White”, Laila and their new buddy Adam. Finding Adam and Laila, invitations were given and the five of us enjoyed a great breakfast together.