Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back from the Arctic

Jakub has emerged from the tundra and returned to civilization. He will post a detailed account of his epic journey once he catches up on missed housework.

For now you can see pictures from the trip on Craig's site and here.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Day 1 Mill Valley - Inuvik

Jakub hat sein epicische Reise nach Inuvik, North West Territories, Canada heute Morgen begonnen. Ich habe ihn um 04:00 Uhr aufgeweckt und unsere Nachbarin, sie arbeitet mit Mutual Funds an der Ost Kueste. Sie hat mir erzaehlt, dass Jakub viel zu früh weggefahren ist. Er hat uns einmal, um 13:00 Uhr angerufen und hat gesagt, „Wann endet diese öde Wüste nur“? Mir ist sehr heiß, aber ich komme gut voran! Wenn Ihr neugierig seid, findet Ihr meine Reiseroute unter folgendem Link:

Für unsererseits, wir haben die Aufträge gemacht (Auto waschen, etc) danach sind wir ins Kino gegangen für “Artic Tale” zu sehen Es ist eine düsteres Geschichte aber sehr süβ. Ich war gefreut das ich bin meinem Fahrad gefahren für zwei Gründe 1)Hatte das Gefuehl das wir machen etwas gut für Umwelt 2)wir sind mit “Yummy Dad” danach getroffen und er war sehr begeistert von unserem Fahrrad.(macht keine sorge, ich habe, in letzter Zeit, eine Allergy gegen Treulosigkeit!)
Jakub began his somewhat epic journey to Inuvik this morning. I woke him shortly after 4:00am and our neighbour, who manages mutual funds and therefore works east coast hours, reports she saw him departing bright and early. We received one phone call mid-day where Jakub said, :”Where does the high desert end? I am hot and slightly chaffed. All is going well.” If you want to check out his proposed route it is as follows:

For our part, we did errands (washed the car etc) and then went to see “Artic Tale” in the afternoon. It is a somber tale about where the world is headed and despite making me laugh at several points it left me wondering how the world will look when Sasha and Jonas are my age (35 as of this week!). I was certainly glad we rode our bike for two reasons really 1) I felt like we were making choices that would help the environment long term and 2) we bumped into “Mill Valley Yummy Dad” right after and he was enamoured with my bike. Yes, he is actually called “Yummy Dad” by all the local moms due to his extreme hotness.(For those of you that are worried, not to worry, I have recently developed an allergy against infidelity!)