Jakub has been in Hamburg for almost 2 weeks. While he misses us terribly(hiding in nice bars for drinks with friends, having dinner at posh restaurants, running to avoid getting soaked in the rains) we sit here in sunny Northern California missing him (while we have play dates, go for Martinmas Lantern walks, fold piles of laundry, deal with illness). Yes life on both sides of the Atlantic seems to have its pros and cons.
It was pointed out to me today, albeit indirectly, that I may have a slight tendency to express (while not inwardly focusing on) the negative side of things in my Heim. I read a blog from "The Replacements" as we endearingly all the American family, also from SF, that came to Hamburg just after us. If I am not mistaken, my tales of hellish days in Hamburg are not only referenced, but dramatized to a point of being, well, blogworthy. In fact, it appears that my stories were so inspiring, "do-over days", as they are referred to, have now come to have a special name, mine! Here is the excerpt.
"Today was a classic “do-over” day. In fact, we heard about another American couple who moved to Hamburg for a stay and the wife had many such days … we heard about the day the bike broke down and no one would help, despite the fact she had two small children who were all stranded with her; how the neighbors never ONCE in the entire year, said hello to her; how in anticipation of the move, she alerted her neighbors that they would be moving and to expect the elevator to be busy only to discover some un-named neighbor had written on her note that the elevators were not to be used for moving that if they were damaged they would hold her responsible. In general, she did not find the German experience a hospitable one and at about 1 pm today I, too, was ready to throw in the towel. We have named this type of day a “N*$#CC day” in her honor (I removed the name to protect her as I am sure she had a great time and would resent us using her stories in this way; I know I would)."
I think it is time to make an early resolution, be more Pollyanaish (believe or not there was a time in my life when people hurled this at me as an insult).You do remember Pollyana, the gal from the 60's Disney movie who saw the glass as half-full no matter what. Perhaps I lost my inner Pollyana when I started working on exotic invasives, perhaps when I met the man who's favourite quote is "When life gives you lemons...make lemonade." Who knows....all I can say is I will try, for the sake of posterity, to express more of my inner Pollyana. That said, nothing goes better with sweet than a little bitter:-)
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