Sunday, November 12, 2006

A late fall afternoon...15:32 Golden Hour

It is 15:30 on a Sunday which means I should be cleaning our house and getting ready for the craziness of the week to come. Instead I am listening to Sara McLachlan, feeling nostalgic and a little homesick. The sky is a beautiful fall blue, the oak trees fire orange leaves carpet the ground and the view from our apartment. It makes me want to move back to Vancouver, that is when the time comes to move again.

I had thought when we started the blog that it would serve as a bit of a diary but we just can not find time to sit down and post. Life seems to busy no matter what part of the globe you inhabit. Here, with darkness hitting at 16:00, sunlight is a real commodity not to be squandered clicking at a keyboard. The early darkness also makes you feel a little sleepier in the early afternoon, and a little happier to see the sunrise at 07:30.

Sunday at 15:40 and the Golden Hour has just passed. Sigh. Well, here is a point form of what we have been up to since our trip to Paris:

Jakub made it to his class reunion in Praha, all alone. He was going to bed around th same time I was getting up here in the mornings. Facts like that make you realize it was a really good idea to stay home with the kids

Jonas and I have been attending a Kids Play Group with the American Women’s Club and one Kind – Mutti Gruppe at the local church. We get our hit of German and English and eat a ton of sweets at both!

I am still doing my German class a couple of mornings a week. It is going well, though the amount of study time I should be investing is not something I can manage with the kids.

Jakub and I have a babysitter for Friday nights, yipppppeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going out now to enjoy the last half hour of daylight....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nicole, Jakub, Sasha, and Jonas,
I love reading your blog entries. Think of you often. I did send an envelope of photos and hope you received's been a couple of months since it went in the mail...please let me know if it showed up. Happy beginning of Advent and holidays in general. Sending love to you all from all of us. Titi says hi!