It has been 2 weeks since our last blog entry(longer now), just goes to show that I am no better at writing a blog than an ordinary diary. It seems that though Germany is a super techy, and slick country, getting DSL and phone for that matter can take a while.

We are in our new apartment and it is beautiful! Our apartment is on the top floor and we have a glorious view of the city from our bedroom and even better from the rooftop. Sadly, we don't have a balcony, but I think this is better given Jonas is pretty daring these days. It does limit July 1st (4th of July) BBQ options though...

Our first weekend here we decided to give up on unpacking and head to the Matjes Festival in Gl
ückstadt (
Glückstädter Matjeswochen). This festival is all about celebrating one of Jakub's and my favourite foods, matjes. I had hoped for matjes prepared in all forms, but it mainly seemed to be matjes brotchen (matjes on bread) and matjes plates (served with a mayo, apple, onion sauce and dark bread). I am not complaining, I love matjes in all forms so I happily ate...and ate.....
We walked off the matjes on a beautiful bike path with sheep all around and then headed for the mandatory kaffee and kuchen (coffee and cake) - this will explain much when you see the pictures of our waistlines;-). It was here in the restaurant that we found the diverse matjes dishes we had hoped for. The food looked incredible and there seemed to be no end to the fishy options. Sadly, we had to settle for a cappuccino and a small apple cake as our bellies were stuffed.

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