Last week we managed to take some time off skiing in the French Alps. We absolutely lucked out on the conditions: after a 100 mph storm the week before we got 2+ feet of dry powder and sunny skies later in the week. The highlight was without a doubt a run down Vallée Blanche starting at 3700 m. We did not take the tourist route and instead skied steep and deep. Our guide Mark skied first on a mono ski which was very impressive. Nicole held up her own and I managed to stay out of trouble. Despite the fresh snow on top of some older ice we did not experience any avalanches and only a fool could fall into the giant crevasses on the Mer de Glace glacier. Definitely the best day of skiing for both of us despite the fact that the gondola to the train was busted and we had to hike out from the valley.

While we were skiing at altitude, the boys were learning to make turns at the ski school. After a day or two Sasha was taking the Poma lift and skiing all by himself on the easy slope in La Tour. Jonas got also the hang of it and would chase a pole while skiing downhill all by himself. And when we wanted to make few runs by ourselves, our friend Jirka Schmiedt graciously stepped in and played the role of “babicka/granny” – as Jonas called him.

Bummer to be back, I think we all could get used to the lifestyle.