Sunday, November 12, 2006
A late fall afternoon...15:32 Golden Hour
I had thought when we started the blog that it would serve as a bit of a diary but we just can not find time to sit down and post. Life seems to busy no matter what part of the globe you inhabit. Here, with darkness hitting at 16:00, sunlight is a real commodity not to be squandered clicking at a keyboard. The early darkness also makes you feel a little sleepier in the early afternoon, and a little happier to see the sunrise at 07:30.
Sunday at 15:40 and the Golden Hour has just passed. Sigh. Well, here is a point form of what we have been up to since our trip to Paris:
Jakub made it to his class reunion in Praha, all alone. He was going to bed around th same time I was getting up here in the mornings. Facts like that make you realize it was a really good idea to stay home with the kids
Jonas and I have been attending a Kids Play Group with the American Women’s Club and one Kind – Mutti Gruppe at the local church. We get our hit of German and English and eat a ton of sweets at both!
I am still doing my German class a couple of mornings a week. It is going well, though the amount of study time I should be investing is not something I can manage with the kids.
Jakub and I have a babysitter for Friday nights, yipppppeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going out now to enjoy the last half hour of daylight....
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Visit from Bratislava

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
August 21st.....First Day of Kindergarten
Sasha had his first day of school today and it was hard. There were tears and regrets... Jakub pulled himself together in time to say good-bye to Sasha tear free.
Sasha seemed to be ok as his Birthday Gnome (thanks Bibi) came to visit him and brought along two little helpers that were to make his first week at school a little easier. Jonas got the big brother gnome, so he would not miss Sasha, and Sasha got the smaller one, so he would not miss Jonas. The day went well so let’s hope...
Our little trip...
Here is an overview of our driving tour:
We had taken along “
We made it to Praha that same night, coming in through
Jakub found his way quite easily to Mirek’s apartment – always an impressive feat given he learned to drive after leaving
We spent Sunday exploring parts of Praha Jakub had never seen - Vitkov (see pics below) - before heading out to Bratislava.

Life in Latky is simple. You go to bed early, a few hours after dark after all the wine and slivovice has been drunk and all the spec eaten - in our case after a glass of Grand Cru wine that was intended as a gift for someone that does not like wine. Get up early as the sun is bright and the crickets the most beautiful alarm clock in the world. Spend the day hunting for mushrooms, getting milk from cows, and resting in the grass.

Jakub and I both got to go for our first real runs since leaving Mill Valley - trees, hills and solitude! Heaven. The best part was there were meals waiting for both of us at the end of our jonts. I ran to meet everyone at Marta's for lunch and Jakub ran home to a great meal made by Jana, his aunt. Even got a great recipe out of it...
Babovka (Czech Bundt Cake)
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
¾ cup oil
¾ cup milk
2 eggs
1 packet of baking powder
Pour most of mixture into bundt form, set aside small amount of dough
Add cocoa to remaining dough, pour in to form in circle as well
Bake 180C for about an hour
After only a few short days it was time for us to head back to Hamburg. We are always sad to leave this part of the country and often talk about buying something here, a small cabin is only $10, 000 USD. Just when I get really romantic visions about living here for a year friends are quick to bring me back to reality...
A neighbour of our good friends put an axe through his mothers head. His blood alcohol level was 2.5, hers was 3.0! No one wanted to press charges as there were sure the mother would not want this, the police therefore let it be. When the mother came home from the hospital, after being in a coma for a month, she desperately wanted to see her son. Unfortunately his brother had beaten him so badly he had run into the hills and was believed to be tending sheep somewhere.
Another extremely poor family sent their son off to the US to make some money. Things only got worse for them in their small town. One night a wealthy looking man came and asked if he could stay the night. The couple gave him shelter and decided they would kill and rob him. They did kill him only to discover it was there own son, returned from the US to surprise them with their new wealth.
So, real estate is cheap but.....
Monday, August 07, 2006
Copenhagen August 5-7th
We went to
Our first afternoon was spent exploring the Royal Residence. The guards were great, sweating like crazy in the full sun, walking around like they were hiking. Fortunately, we could make our way to the nearest water fountain and soak our feet to cool off.

We woke early the next morning and explored the old canal in Nyhaven. This was a bustlling disrtict in Hans Christian Anderson's time - full of tatoo parlors, brothels and pubs. These days it is more of a tourist destination, with higher end cafes and pubs. Though we did see many drunk men peeing on telephone poles, sleeping on the sidewalk or having "a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you" with their young female friends.

A last look at the canal before heading home....

Thursday, August 03, 2006
Blogging after 3 + glasses of wine....
This tells me one of two things: 1) Either we are not really having a good time or 2) I am not portraying our stay very well. An interesting question and one that I would love to explore. For now, it is 12:30am and I need to get to bed.
Bonne Nuit, Guten Nacht, Dobrou Noc and Goodnight
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Harbour Tour of Hamburg

On a sunny, yet surprisingly cool Monday morning the four of headed to Landungsbrucken to catch a ride on a small boat that would guide us through the
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Vattenfall Cyclassics

Saturday, July 29, 2006
Germany and culture shock

Other things that make us smile, smirk or grimace...., the worlds worst ketchup and possibly the worlds best mustard, no ice cubes anywhere (except in a mojito:-), beautiful shoe repair, ice-cream for only 80 cents a scoop, beach clubs with no beach in site, never saying "don't worry about the penny" (17.01 better have that one cent), little samples being given as "gifts" from the store, price of entry into a toilet bares no correlation to its cleanliness, meeting really friendly, smiley peple at sports events when in the "outside world" people never smiling despite you greeting them with a beaming smile, people bumping into you without saying sorry, straight men proudly wearing pastels, pink Lacoste and La Martina shirts indicating your status in the Schickeria, the worst cappuccino foam ever, never breaking traffic rules or rules of any kind, Jakub running every red light on his bike just to make things interesting!

The boys headed to the zoo today to give me a much needed break. I had a great run in the rain and lazed about reading a chic mag and drinking a latte!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
World Cup Recap

So the Czechs started off with a convincing win over the US and everyone saw them as the next champions. For the second game we got all dressed up in national colour and went to watch in the public viewing area - a big plaza with beer and sausages and a really big screen. Before we settled down the Czechs were loosing and never recovered. At least there was still some hope.

After that we cheered for countries in this order Sweden, Australia, Ghana, Spain, Germany and France and one by one they too were eliminated. At the end only Italy prevailed again... I think they deserved the win but their play was far from stellar. But there celebration sure made up for it.